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Swimming Sports

So we all love swimming right? We love getting into the water and participating in a water sport. But what other options are there for you than just swimming?
  • Triathlon – Triathlon is one of the UK’s fastest growing sports and is made up of a swim, cycle and run immediately one after the other. The aim is to get the fastest possible time around the course, and the transition time between each section is included. This is a great event for people who like variety when they exercise, not just going for a swim, and for people who like getting outdoors.
  • Pentathlon – Pentathlon is a 5 sport event consisting of fencing, swimming, horse riding, running and shooting.The winner of a pentathlon is the person who finishes with the most points, so the person who wins the most. This is again great for people who love participating in a variety of sports and are not afraid of a challenge!
  • Water Aerobics – Water aerobics is a great leisure sport where you perform exercises in shallow water, like a swimming pool. It’s a fantastic form of aerobic exercise as it reduces risk of injury in the muscles and joints and the water also supports the body (whilst giving resistance) so there is less stress. Aqua aerobics is a really popular activity that can be found at most local swimming pools and gyms.
  • Water Polo – Water Polo is a team water sport that aims to score more goals with a ball than the opposing team.There are 7 players to each team including a goal keeper so this is a great water sport for those who love being part of a team as swell as wanting a fantastic workout!
  • Synchronised Swimming – Synchronised swimming is like a combination of swimming, dance and gymnastics and can be performed as part of a team or alone. Synchro swimmers need to be strong, flexible as well as having great water skills so it’s sure to be great exercise for pretty much all of us! This isn’t such a popular sport for men, but most national competitions have a mens division.
  • Open Water Swimming – Obviously open water swimming consists solely of swimming, but it has some much higher demands than pool swimming. The water is colder, there is underwater currents, wind, often rain and large distances involved! It doesn’t sound that appealing when put like that, but it can be incredible fun and there are hundreds of charity events for open water swims every years so is really worthwhile. A tip for this is not to go alone! The water is pretty murky compared to the swimming pools crystal clear water, so havesomeone there to spot you and keep you on track.
  • Diving – Diving is one of the most popular sports with spectators so most people who have an interest in water sports will have seen it! Diving involves jumping off of a platform or springboard whilst performing acrobatics in mid air. It is a really tough sport that requires some huge physical demands, such as strength, flexibility and awareness. It can also be done synchronised. This is not a sport for the faint hearted, or those that are scared of heights! If you do wish to get involved in diving then visit a local club or school that can guide you safely.
So what will you get involved with next?? With thanks to Hamad Al-Mohannas, An Honorable German and KRHamm for images.