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What Is FINA?

There are all these regulations and costumes saying FINA approved, but what is FINA? FINA is the international governing body of swimming, water polo, synchronised swimming and open water swimming and stands for Federation Internationale de Natation – International Federation of Swimming. The body meets every 2 years and run the major swimming event The World Championships. FINA began on July 19th 1908 in the Manchester Hotel in London at the end of the 1908 Summer Olympics. It was founded by the Belgian, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, British and Swedish swimming federations. There are recognised governing bodies in each country that carry out the FINA regulations and ensure the country follows them. The British Governing Body is British Swimming. FINA’s main objectives are:
  1. To promote and encourage the development of swimming throughout the world
  2. To promote and encourage the development of international relations
  3. To adopt necessary uniform rules and regulations to hold competitions
  4. To organise the World Championships and FINA events
  5. To increase the number of facilities for swimming throughout the world
To find out more about FINA, visit To find out more about British Swimming, visit We sell a range of swimwear which is approved by FINA. Check out our FINA Approved Swimwear for Women. Or FINA Approved Swimwear For Men.