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Leeds Castle Triathlon 2018

The Leeds Castle Triathlon has finished for another year and to top it off it seems to have been the hottest one to date. 1,183 triathletes took part in this years event, 480 in the Standard Tri, 559 for the Sprint Tri and 144 Juniors took part in the Junior Tri.

It's a great event and definitely a triathlon we recommend taking part in, if not just for the race but also for the beautiful backdrop. What could be better, a triathlon surrounded by views of 'the loveliest castle in the world'. The 2018 event on the 23rd and 24th June treated us to a bright sunny day to make the landscape look even better, but with the heat we bet a lot of the triathletes were looking forward to their swim in the moat just to cool down a bit!



So what are the results? Lets take a look at the standard triathlon first shall we? Edward Castro won overall with a time of 2hrs 8mins 52secs. He was also the only swimmer in the standard race to swim under the twenty-minute mark. Also congratulations to Victoria Baker, first female finisher with a finishing time of 2hr 23min 13secs.

In the sprint event first place went to Hamish Reilly whose overall time was 1hr 17mins 32secs, and he swam the moat in a rather impressive 10mins 47secs. His swim time was also the fastest of the day in the sprint event, although Morgan West came in a close second with a swim of 10mins 58secs. Top female finisher was Amy Moore with 1hr 33mins 10secs.



In the Juniors Tristart Theo Booth well and truly smashed it with a time of 5mins 22secs, but he didn’t have the fastest swim of the day, that went to Harry Rogers who swam in a rather impressive 1min 49secs. Fourth Place (and top girl) was Emily Stone in 5mins 53secs. Great work Emily!

Luke Draper came in first for the Tristart 1 event with a time of 8mins 46secs, Casey Humber-Kelly got the fastest swim time at 3mins 2secs, Casey also came second overall. Aiden Elford won the Tristart 2 event with an overall time of 12mins 36secs but Max Copper just beat Aiden's swimming time with an impressive 4mins 31secs.



And last but no means least Michael Gar came first in the Tristart 3 event with a total time of 15mins 19secs. He also had the fastest swim time of 5mins 12secs!

Throughout the whole day the atmosphere at Leeds Castle was truly amazing, everyone was supporting one another and cheering along. We were really proud to be a sponsor of this year's event and we do hope all of the triathletes enjoyed the day and will wear their Simply Swim kit bags with pride on their next swim.

And finally we just want to say a massive thank you to Leeds Castle Tri for another amazing year and well done to all the 1,183 triathletes that took part!


And guess what! Registration is open already for 2019 so head over to the Leeds Castle Tri website and get signed up!
