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Swimming During Pregnancy

Swimming is known for having some great benefits so is a great way for you to exercise when you are expecting a baby.  Staying fit during pregnancy helps you cope with the physical demands, labour and motherhood in general. On average, women gain nearly 2 stones in weight whilst pregnant and exercising whilst pregnant can make it easier to regain you fitness levels after your baby is born. Because your body is supported by the water you reduce the risk of injury so swimming is one of the safest ways to exercise whilst pregnant. As you move into the third trimester and your bump is at its biggest, the feeling of weightlessness will feel amazing! The water will support your body and take the pressure off of your joints and the soles of your feet. Swimming has physical benefits for you but is a great mental exercise too. You get the opportunity to wind down and relax in the pool, have some time to yourself. You don’t have to go for a long swim for this, even floating about or walking about in the pool gives you time to relax with your muscles all being supported by the water around you. The current recommendations for swimming whilst pregnant is about 3 to 4 times a week for half an hour. It is safe to swim any stroke (unless otherwise advised) so you can vary your exercise or do what you enjoy most. Breatsroke is known for being particularly helpful in improving your posture an reducing back ache as it strengthens your back, chest and shoulders. You should always warm up, cool down and stretch out as you would if you were training normally, but it is even more important when pregnant as you have more to support than normal! Do’s and don’ts whilst pregnant and exercising: DO remember that exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous to be beneficial DO drink plenty of fluids whilst swimming as you don’t realise how much water you lose DO wear appropriate swimwear, check out our maternity swimwear range DON’T use saunas or steam rooms DON’T exercise to lose weight whilst pregnant