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Tips to Prevent Your Goggles Fogging: A Guide for Swimmers

If you're an avid swimmer, you know the frustration that comes with foggy goggles. Whether you're training for a competition or just enjoying a leisurely swim, foggy goggles can disrupt your flow and impair your vision. At Simply Swim, we understand this challenge and are here to share some effective tricks to keep your goggles fog-free.

1. Pre-Treat Your Goggles

One of the simplest and most effective methods to prevent fogging is to pre-treat your goggles. Here's how:

  • Anti-Fog Spray: Invest in a quality anti-fog spray designed for goggles. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application. These sprays are specifically formulated to prevent fogging and can be highly effective.
  • Baby Shampoo: Apply a tiny drop of baby shampoo to each lens, rub it around, and rinse thoroughly. Baby shampoo is gentle on your eyes and creates a barrier against fogging.
simply swim anti-fog spray for goggles


2. Proper Goggle Care

Taking care of your goggles can significantly reduce the chances of fogging. Here are some maintenance tips:

  • Rinse with Fresh Water: After each swim, rinse your goggles with fresh water. This helps remove chlorine, salt, and other chemicals that can degrade the anti-fog coating.
  • Air Dry: Allow your goggles to air dry completely before storing them. Avoid wiping the lenses with a towel, as this can damage the anti-fog coating.
  • Store Properly: Store your goggles in a protective case to prevent scratches and exposure to dust. Scratches can create small nicks that attract condensation, leading to fogging.
simply swim goggle and mask cases


3. Environmental Control

Controlling the environment around your swim can also help keep your goggles clear. Consider these factors:

  • Temperature Regulation: Fogging often occurs due to temperature differences between the water and the air inside your goggles. To minimise this, rinse your goggles in the pool water before putting them on. This helps equalise the temperature.
  • Avoid Touching the Lenses: Oils and dirt from your fingers can contribute to fogging. Try to handle your goggles by the straps or edges to keep the lenses clean.

4. Choosing the Right Goggles

Sometimes, persistent fogging is a sign that it's time to invest in a new pair of goggles. Here are some features to look for:

  • Anti-Fog Coating: Many modern goggles come with an anti-fog coating. While this can wear off over time, it's a good starting point.
  • Fit and Seal: Ensure your goggles fit snugly without being too tight. A good seal prevents water from entering and fogging the lenses.
  • Ventilation: Some goggles come with built-in ventilation to promote airflow and reduce fogging. Consider this feature if you frequently swim in varying temperatures.
simply swim googles and masks


Foggy goggles can be a nuisance, but with the right techniques and care, you can keep your vision clear and enjoy your swim to the fullest. At Simply Swim, we offer a range of goggles and anti-fog solutions to suit every swimmer's needs. Explore our collection and say goodbye to foggy lenses for good!

By incorporating these tips into your routine, you'll spend less time adjusting your goggles and more time focusing on what you love – swimming. Dive in and enjoy the clear view!
