1. Utilise The Tempo Trainer Pro In & Out Of The Water

Use your Tempo Trainer Pro in a pool workout and in dryland training. Whether you're using it to hold pace in a distance freestyle set or regulating speed on a run, the TTP helps you tap into a consistent, sustainable effort level. Even if you're hesitant, try using your TTP on something other than a swim set. Age group or collegiate coaches, have your swimmers use their TTPs on dryland sets e.g. set a pace for pushups, situps or planks. Triathletes, utilize the TTP on a training run to settle into a pace you will be able to hold in competition.
2. Improve Hip Rotation & Efficiency with the Hydro Hip

Try this set with the Hydro Hip:
4 x 50 arm extension drill 6 kicks on each side 4 x 50 arm extension drill 4 kicks on each side 4 x 50 swim (remove Hydro Hip) 4 x 50 swim descend 1 x 100 swim FASTTotal: 900 yards/meters (for added difficulty, do 2-3 rounds descending the last 100 of each round)
3. Pairing Distance With Resistance with the Swim Parachute

4. Maintain Technique at High Speeds using the Freestyler Paddles and the Zoomers Gold Fins

Try the set below to focus on maintaining technique AND swimming fast:
2 x 200 Moderate, no equipment 2 x 200 Strong, with Freestyler Paddles 2 x 200 FAST, with Freestyler Paddles and Zoomers Gold fins 16 x 25 odds FAST/evens easy, with Freestyler Paddles and Zoomers Gold fins5. Focus on Technique with the Alignment Kickboard

Day 1
12 x 25 underwater kick, with submerged Alignment Kickboard
Day 2
4 rounds 1 x 125 freestyle catch up drill 1 x 75 flutter kickDay 3
6 x 50 side kick (odds lead with right arm, evens lead with left arm)
Day 4
8 x 25 Backstroke catch up (hold the board directly overhead, passing the board between hands on each stroke cycle)
Day 5
3 Rounds 4 x 25 kick (IM order) 4 x 25 sprint kick (rotate board to point upward, for added resistance) Let us know if you find these tips useful, we would love to hear how they help your swimming! Head over to Simply Swim to shop all Finis equipment now.