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Training for a Triathlon - The Simply Tri Team Way

We asked Naomi from our Simply Tri - London Triathlon team a little about what she did to train for her first triathlon and what she did nutrition wise during this.

Monday – Spinning

Tuesday- Pilates

Wednesday- Spinning

Thursday- Swimming/HIIT training

Friday- Spinning and Swimming

Saturday- Run

Sunday- Rest Day

  These exercises helped Naomi improve her cardiovascular fitness, core stability and technique. These fitted in well with her busy working day. She was able to train around work, in lunchtimes and in the evenings and fit these in to the day more easily than longer endurance based sessions, which worked for her and she could use her run on a Saturday to improve her endurance. Unknown-1-(2) I tried to stay healthy throughout and eat lots of energy boosting foods, I have dietary problems so can’t eat certain grains and this made my life a little tricky nutrition wise! I tried to stick to protein and healthy carbs like sweet potato, brown rice and avocado. For breakfast I would have eggs and salmon or porridge, and for lunch normally salad which was protein based. Dinner would be a mix of protein and veg or perhaps a omelette and then after training I would have a Maxitone strength protein shake. From participating in the triathlon I have now decided I'm going to be a spinning instructor alongside my job in PR, so it has definitely impacted my life in a positive way, I am also going to try to keep up with working out 5 days a week and swimming which I didn't do at all before the triathlon.  