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Dive Deeper, Swim Faster: Unveiling the Power of Racing Suits

Dive Deeper, Swim Faster: Unveiling the Power of Racing Suits

For competitive swimmers, shaving seconds off personal bests is a constant pursuit. Every stroke, every kick, every piece of equipment is meticulously chosen for optimal performance. Among these tools, the racing suit stands out as more than just swimwear; it's a technological marvel designed to give you that crucial edge in the water. Let's explore the hidden depths of racing suits and discover how they can propel you towards victory.
What are the Surprising Benefits of the Doggy Paddle?

What are the Surprising Benefits of the Doggy Paddle?

The doggy paddle is a basic swimming technique that focuses on the underwater catch and the pull of the arm strokes that resemble the actions used by a dog when swimming, hence its name. Although it’s often taught by learn-to-swim teachers, doggy paddle drills are regularly used by some of the world’s top swimmers.
Get Holiday Ready With Swimming

Get Holiday Ready With Swimming

If you're looking to get mind and body in top shape for that summer holiday, there's a refreshing and effective way to achieve your fitness goals – swimming.
Dive, Dream, Do: Your New Year’s Guide to Optimal Swimming Performance with Fashy and Aquafeel

Dive, Dream, Do: Your New Year’s Guide to Optimal Swimming Performance with Fashy and Aquafeel

If you're seeking a transformative journey for 2024, why not make a splash with a resolution that involves optimal swimming performance using top-quality swimming equipment from Fashy and Aquafeel?
New Year...New Goals?

New Year...New Goals?

As we say goodbye to another year and eagerly embrace the dawn of a fresh start, many of us embark on a journey of self-improvement by setting New ...
Tips For A Perfect Front Crawl

Tips For A Perfect Front Crawl

We explore the art of the perfect front crawl, breaking it down into essential components, including body position, arm movement, head placement, and leg kick. By mastering these aspects, you can enhance your swimming performance and glide smoothly through the water with minimal resistance.
Learning How To Dive In Three Easy Stages

Learning How To Dive In Three Easy Stages

Diving can be a fun leisure activity and a valuable skill for competitive swimming. In this guide, we'll break down the process of learning to dive off the poolside into three easy stages.
Discover The Benefits Of Using A Centre Snorkel | Blog | Simply Swim

Discover The Benefits Of Using A Centre Snorkel | Blog | Simply Swim

Using a centre snorkel while swimming offers several benefits, making it a valuable tool for swimmers looking to improve their technique and overa...
What Is The Best Age to Start Swimming Lessons for Your Kids? | Blog | Simply Swim

What Is The Best Age to Start Swimming Lessons for Your Kids? | Blog | Simply Swim

Swimming is a valuable skill and a fun and healthy activity. However, determining the right age to start swimming lessons can be daunting. Let's explore the factors to consider when deciding the best age to introduce your kids to swimming lessons.
How To Breathe When Swimming | Blog | Simply Swim

How To Breathe When Swimming | Blog | Simply Swim

Breathing can be a really difficult task for the beginner swimmer. We’re going to look at how to integrate the breathing into your stroke but we’re not going to start off in the water. 
Ideas To Make Your Child Fall in Love with Swimming | Blog | Simply Swim

Ideas To Make Your Child Fall in Love with Swimming | Blog | Simply Swim

Encouraging a child to embrace swimming wholeheartedly can sometimes be a challenge. Fortunately, there are some simple ideas that can make your child fall in love with swimming.
The Benefits And How To Use Training Fins | Blog | Simply Swim

The Benefits And How To Use Training Fins | Blog | Simply Swim

Whether you're a competitive swimmer looking to enhance your performance or a beginner learning the ropes, training fins can be a valuable tool in your aquatic arsenal. We will explore how to use training fins effectively to improve your swimming technique, build strength, and enhance your overall performance.