Sean Conway less than one hour away from completing his length of Britain swim.
32 year old Sean Conway is under a hour away from officially completing his epic swim from Land's End to John O'Groats. He set off on his journey which has been dubbed 'Swimming Britain' on the 30th June 2013 accompanied by Em Bell in a kayak and his support crew by boat. After facing lots of logistical problems and bad weather the swim has taken a lot longer than planned but Sean has worked tirelessly swimming the equivalent of the English Channel everyday almost since he started. Sean popped into Simply Swim HQ before he set off to tell us all about his adventure and pick up some gear to help him with his journey. We're extremely happy and proud for Sean that he has almost completed this amazing swim and we are looking forward to congratulating him. If you've only just heard about Sean and his adventure (where have you been?) you can watch back our interviews with him here and to find out more please visit www.swimmingbritain.co.uk where on this very fitting day you can also donate to War Child UK, the chosen charity Sean has been supporting through this swim.