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Simply Swim Interviews Sean Conway - How has life been after Swimming Britain?

Well since finishing the swim its been a bit of a whirlwind, I had no idea who was following, I had no idea so many people would find the swim interesting. When you're out at sea your mind plays little games on you and I literally thought I was going to finish, go home and spend some time writing the book - which is something I've always wanted to do anyway. But since then it's all been a bit crazy, I got a good book deal which is incredible because I love writing and I've been meeting people like Ben Fogle, who has been a massive supporter of my swim and I've been following his adventures for years. People like Martin Strell have emailed me! He's the guy who swam the Amazon and to get a email from him... well, he's the worlds best open water swimmer, so it was incredible. So yeah I've had two months now of meeting loads of people and doing talks and writing a bit of the book and that sort of thing, yeah, it's been a whirlwind. I have hardly even had time to sit down and think about it but I cant wait to start writing because that's when all the memories will come back .