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Simply Swim Interviews Sean Conway - How physically demanding was Swimming Britain?

Physically the swim took a lot out of me, I lost more than ten percent of my body weight, I'm quite small anyway, I was just over ten and a half stone and dropped below ten stone half way through the swim, it was then I realised I needed to make a change and change something in the way I was dealing with the long term fatigue, so from about a month and a half into the swim I actually started blending all my meals and the crew used to call me the child, cause I'd have my shake with my blended chilli con carni, but it was great because with that blended meal I could throw in some extra pasta, extra rice, some olive oil, some butter, some coconut oil just anything to get more calories into my meal and it was a lot better because I was struggling to chew everyday with the salt water built up in my mouth, my jaw was cold, I just didn't feel like swallowing, so actually having a blended meal meant that I could get fifteen hundred calories down me in about five minutes and be ready for the next session in the water. So coming back, the first thing I noticed was how weak my legs are haha! For four and half months I hardly did any walking, a twenty six foot yacht is quite tiny so you can't do much walking besides from the entrance to your bedroom which is about two metres, so I recently did a bit of a walk and I struggled with that side of things. But on the flip side, my shoulders since they've recovered are really strong and it's quite weird, I've almost got that classic swimmers shape now with the really overly large lats and shoulders and a really skinny waist. But yeah I've just about recovered now two months after the swim, I think it will probably be another month before I feel sort of fresh again, I still feel like I'm sleeping a lot, like a need to sleep  a lot, I'm still feeling quite tired, I get tired quite quickly so yeah another month or so and I think I be back in the game!