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Swimming Holidays

If you are an aqua baby and have a special affinity for all things watery, your dream holiday will most likely be spent doing you favourite strokes! So just where are the best swimming holiday locales to choose from to ensure that you have an amazing time? Well, if you're lucky enough to escape for at least a week you will want to head to the Egyptian Red Sea for a winter safari during February and March. Perfect for a winter dip you will be among some of the most breathtaking underwater views filled with plenty of coral and fish! For six days of fun you can expect to get in a good 4 km swim each day and this site is a favourite for those who have a passion for swimming in the open water! Yet not to be overlooked are the amazing islands of Gozo, Comino and Malta, where you can get in a cool 6 km each day in true island hopping style! There are excellent tours at this locale where coaches can help you perfect your form and technique to ensure that with each stroke you are most efficient. Yet if you aren't able to get away for a full six or seven days you can still enjoy plenty of aquatic fun in a short trip or one day trip that will leave you both invigorated and refreshed! For a day of adventure and 2 km of swim you can head to the noted Alcatraz and test your skills to see if you could have escaped this once island prison compound! Surely with the Golden Gate standing tall in the background you will have plenty of motivation to make it back to shore as quickly as you can to then enjoy all the unique sights of this vibrant city! Instead you may be more enthralled by the mythological wonders of Hellspont and may want to test your arms for a 4 km race that starts in Canakkale. This is perfect for the more competitive looking to vie for a fast time and top placing all amid the Turkish atmosphere! Finally, one of the most captivating four day trips is at Lake Bled and The Julian Alps where you will travel among several lakes ensconced by natural beauty. The surrounding Triglav National Park is teeming with life and as you glide through these glistening waters you will be at one with nature.  When you dry off you can further head to the many trails and perhaps explore the nearby mountains to cap off a full day of swim. So no matter your time frame or skill level when you wish to spend your leisure in the water you have plenty of exquisite places to head to...all that's left to do is grab your swimsuit and goggles!