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Your Guide to Speedo Goggles

Our range of Speedo goggles is pretty wide, so when you are looking for a new set which models should you be considering?


Training Goggles and Racing Goggles Explained :

There are essentially two types of goggle; racing and non-racing (i.e. training).

The racing ones like the Speedo Speedsocketare not especially comfortable for long periods but offer minimal drag. Racing goggles, by design, are for performance rather than comfort. If you want a pair for training and keeping on for more than a couple of minutes, consider models which are designed for training and not racing (i.e. anything other than racing versions).


Which Speedo Goggles Are Best For Me?

Speedo offer their goggles in multiple sizing – multisex which are general suitable for adults, ladies specific, which as the title suggests are for ladies and then children’s sizes. Use the compare feature (last column) to show the goggles for your child’s age band – see last paragraph for details.

There also differing lenses to choose from. Mirrored and smoked are ideal for outdoor and bright conditions. Clear for normal indoor pool swimming.

Below are our top three goggle in each category:


Best Speedo Training Goggles

1. Futura Biofuse

2. Rift Goggles

3. Aquasocket




Best Speedo Racing Goggles

1. Speedsocket – Mirrored

2.Vanquisher 2 – Mirrored

3. Sidewinder Mirror




Best Speedo Kids Goggles

1.Junior Futura Ice Plus

2.Mariner Mirror Junior

3. Sea Squad Goggle (For younger swimmers)

4. Junior Vanquisher 2



You'll find the age range the kids goggles are suitable for within the descriptions of each product.


Remember to start your search for your new swim goggles with our goggles comparison page where you can see all makes and models of swimming goggles. If you are not sure how to use our compare chart just click the “How to video” icon at the top centre of the page.


If you order the chart by popularity you will see the most highly regarded (by our customer’s feedback) models at the top.

