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Simply Swim Blog - Learning To Swim - Page 5

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Adult Swim Beginner Series - It's never too late to learn how to swim

A large proportion of my one to one clients are adults who want to learn to swim - abilities vary from being petrified of the water to being able t...

When should your child start swimming lessons?

Learning to swim can be great fun for your child and it is an important life skill that may even save their life one day. Gaining confidence in the...

Swim Nappies For Your Babies First Swim

Taking your baby swimming is a fantastic idea. They will have great fun playing in the water and it will help to build up their confidence for when...

Your Child and the Water: Part 1 – A Parent and Child Journey

Introducing your child to the water for the first time can be one of the most exciting and rewarding activities you will do with them in their earl...

Introducing Children to the Pool

Swimming is a fun and healthy activity for children and a valuable skill. Helping your child to gain confidence in the water will be vital when the...