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Simply Swim Blog - Open Water - Page 6

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Emma & Sarah's Great London Swim for Silas

If you're following us on Facebook or Twitter, you may have seen this friendly face pop up on Sunday. This is Emma, she works for us here at Simply...

Top Five Must-see Secret Outdoor Swimming Locations

Nothing beats the feeling of swimming in fresh water under an open sky. Compared to swimming indoors, the outside world makes you feel at one with...

Simply Swim Interviews Sean Conway - How has life been after Swimming Britain?

Well since finishing the swim its been a bit of a whirlwind, I had no idea who was following, I had no idea so many people would find the swim int...

Simply Swim Interviews Sean Conway - How Was Swimming Britain?

Sean Conway - It was a bit of a whirlwind adventure, I remember sitting here at Simply Swim before I set off thinking - ah it will be a summer adv...

Five Top Outdoor UK Swimming Locations

There’s nothing quite like taking the plunge into an open air pool or doing a few laps in your local river. From lakes to lidos (those outdoor pool...

5 Great Swimming Holidays

Swimming is so much more than doing laps in a pool. Open water swimming offers an experience like no other, each adventure along an untamed river o...

Wetsuits: Creating the artificial swimmer?

'Is a wearing a wetsuit cheating?' This is a question that we are sure many of you have thought about at least once so we have decided to open a de...

Top 10 Beginners Tips For Open Water Swimming

Open water swimming is currently thriving. Partly because of it being one of the three disciplines of the triathlon, and partly because of how the...

Simply Swim Interviews Sean Conway in Wales

  Last week the video crew here at Simply Swim got the chance to catch up with Sean Conway's "Swimming Britain" team to find out how his epic jour...

Sean Conway at Simply Swim HQ!

Sean Conway is due to begin his next adventure at the end of this month - Swimming the length of Britain from Land's End to John O' Groats. Sean i...

Wild Swimming - Top 5 Chilly Thrills

Open water swimming is a challenging and exhilarating experience. Add near freezing water into the equation and you’ll have the opportunity to tr...

The Health Benefits of Outdoor Swimming

It's the middle of winter, everyone is freezing but you decide to put on your wetsuit and dive into the lake that is bellow 3°C. What will happen...